After Insta Girl Teju and Priyanka Sanam, album star Ishwari Panda viral video is leaked online. Odia social media influencer Ishwari Panda, who has a 249K Instagram following, is at the centre of controversy after an MMS video allegedly featuring her went viral online.
The viral video, which has been widely circulated across platforms, sparked debates and raised questions about her identity. However, Ishwari has categorically denied involvement, stating that the person in the video is not her.
Who is Ishwari Panda?
Ishwari Panda is a rising social media influencer known for her engaging Instagram content. With over 436 posts, she shares lifestyle updates, fashion tips, and motivational messages.
She has built a loyal fan base with her relatable personality and creative content. At just 16 years old, Ishwari inspires many young followers by promoting self-confidence and positivity.
The Truth About Album Star Ishwari Panda Viral Video
In a public statement, Ishwari clarified that the girl in the video is Tanya Sinha, not her. She addressed the rumours head-on, urging her followers and the public to verify facts before jumping to conclusions.
Ishwari said that such incidents could harm reputations and mental well-being. Her fans rallied behind her, expressing support on Instagram and Twitter.
Public Reaction to the Controversy
While some netizens criticized Ishwari based on the viral clip, many defend her.
Supporters argue that such incidents highlight misinformation dangers and urge others to respect privacy. The controversy also sparked discussions about online responsibility and unverified content ethics.
This incident serves as a reminder of how quickly misinformation can spread in the digital age. What are your thoughts on how influencers should handle such situations?